Hochiki America UL(Leading Distributor in Africa and Gulf Region)
Leading Fire Alarm Brand in Egypt
Because of several resort fires which claimed many lives around the world, the leading members of Japan’s insurance industry founded the Hochiki Corporation in 1918. The Hochiki Corporation undertook design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of fire alarm systems and produced in excess of 3.5 million units each year.
Since the establishment of Hochiki America,Our Policy has been Safety For All By our sophisticated life safety, fire detection and emergency devices, people’s lives and property are kept protected thus helping make the world a safer place to live.Hochiki President/CEO
Continuing into the new century, Hochiki Corporation, Hochiki America Corp. and Hochiki Europe Limited will work together to offer only the highest quality and most reliable fire products for today’s dynamic global market.
Hochiki Egypt Premium Fire alarm and detection devices.

The new FireNET L@titude by Hochiki
FireNET L@titude by Hochiki has been designed as one of the most powerful, intelligent, and technically robust fire alarm products available.
Hochiki Fire Alarm Egypt
- Country: USA
- Fire Alarm Egypt
- Websitehochikiamerica.com